AWEN is a self-guided walk developing a deeply personal
encounter with the environment beyond human scale.
Interactive art, sound, movement and play are prompted by global climate data and
You will be able to start your walk from anywhere in the world.
As you move through your surroundings, you will receive poetic and playful prompts
your smartphone.
This is a free pilot experience – help us with leaving feedback after your
to inform future development.
You can find our more about the layers of the AWEN journey here.

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AWEN is part of newreal.cc, an Experiential AI research programme. Initiated by Drew Hemment, Chancellor’s Fellow and Reader at The Edinburgh Futures Institute. Developed in collaboration with Edinburgh Science Festival. It has been developed as a research collaboration with the Edinburgh Science Festival by a team of artists, scientists, designers, and AI specialists. They comprise Inés Cámara Leret; Sam Healy and Brendan McCarthy from Ray Interactive; Tom deMajo, Malath Abbas and Susie Buchan from Biome Collective; Amanda Tyndall and Jennifer Rodger-Casebow from Edinburgh Science; Martin Zeilinger from Abertay University; Matjaz Vidmar, Evan Morgan, Aditya Kamireddypalli, Julie Ann Fooshee, William Mackaness, Sophie Mackaness, Kaite Welsh and Janet Archer from The University of Edinburgh.
This project was supported by the Scottish Funding Council Covid-19 Recovery funding to the University of Edinburgh’s Data-Driven Innovation initiative.

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